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  4. How can I convert my SSL to a format accepted by Pipe Ten?
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How can I convert my SSL to a format accepted by Pipe Ten?

Our managed solutions accept the PEM format of SSL certificates. PEM format certificates can usually be recognised because they are prefixed with —–BEGIN CERTIFICATE—– and end with —–END CERTIFICATE—–. If you have another format of SSL below are ways of converting these SSL’s into the PEM format for installation on our infrastructure. This guide uses OpenSSL for conversion between formats.

The conversion is done on a command line, most frequently in Linux however is possible to do this on any command line with OpenSSL.

  1. Install OpenSSL

    In Ubuntu, it is as easy to install OpenSSL as:

    apt-get install openssl

    In CentOS, it is as easy to install OpenSSL as:

    yum install openssl

    In Windows, you can install OpenSSL binaries and use the below commands from command prompt.

    OpenSSL do not directly offer binaries however some third parties do.

  2. Prepare to execute our conversions

    On Windows:

    Windows button + R to bring up run
    Type cmd to open command prompt
    In command prompt type cd C:\path\to\openssl\binary
    Then use the appropriate command below for your ideal conversion.

    On Ubuntu/CentOS:

    CTRL + ALT + T to bring up terminal
    Then use the appropriate command below for your ideal conversion.

  3. Convert non-PEM certificates to PEM

    Once OpenSSL is installed, these commands can be used on any platform with OpenSSL to convert non-PEM formatted SSL certificates into PEM certificates.

    DER -> PEM Conversion

    openssl x509 -inform der -in certificate.cer -out certificate.pem

    P7B -> PEM Conversion

    openssl pkcs7 -print_certs -in certificate.p7b -out certificate.cer

    PFX -> PEM Conversion

    openssl pkcs12 -in certificate.pfx -out certificate.cer -nodes</li>
  4. Convert PEM certificate to PFX

    Some customers would like to use their SSL’s on other applications which require different formats.

    After reaching terminal you can use these commands to change your certificate to different formats.

    PEM -> PFX Conversion

    openssl pkcs12 -inkey your_private_key.key -in your_certificate.pem -export -out your_new_pfx_certificate.pfx
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Classification: Public
Last saved: 2021/11/11 at 14:21 by Jamie

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