This policy contains additional Terms and Service descriptions applicable to the Monitoring & Response services provided by Pipe Ten and should be viewed with associated Order Form, Terms of Service, Service Level Agreement and the Acceptable Use Policy.
Pipe Ten’s Monitoring Service is primarily intended for use with solutions hosted with Pipe Ten and includes the features and functionality described on Pipe Ten’s website on the Order Date, as such features and functionality may change from time to time.
All monitoring services are deployed with a set template of key values to monitor based on type and purpose. Any requested Improvements to templates that benefit all customers are provided inclusive of cost. Any requested changes to the templates that are specific to a particular customer’s requirements would be provided under expertise services.
Alerting & Response
Any failure detected by the monitoring system that affects the availability of any inclusive core service infrastructure or compute services generates an alert which is dispatched via email and SMS to Pipe Ten’s 24/7 on call engineer and responded to in accordance with the core SLA.
Alerts for customers that take additional Monitoring Services from Pipe Ten will be configured to go direct to the Customer, who is then responsible for responding/escalating with Pipe Ten where appropriate.
Alerts for customers that take Response Services from Pipe Ten will also be configured to be dispatched via email and SMS to Pipe Ten’s 24/7 on call engineer. On receipt of an alert the on-call engineer will assess the scope, impact and validity of the alert and escalate or fix as appropriate, as per pre-agreed procedures and testing regiment provided by a customer in line with the core SLA and will be billed in accordance with expertise services for all time required in dealing with the response.
Last changed: 2025/01/07 by Carl Heaton

Classification: Public
Last saved: 2025/01/07 at 11:21 by Carl