This policy contains additional Terms and Service descriptions applicable to the supply and usage of data connectivity provided to the Customer that utilise the Pipe Ten’s Core Network provided by Pipe Ten and should be viewed with associated Order Form, Terms of Service, Service Level Agreement and the Acceptable Use Policy.
Network Provision
For customers taking services that require bandwidth to the internet is provided either via guaranteed bandwidth (per Mb), or data transferred (per GB) as agreed on the associated Order Form.
When using Pipe Ten’s core network, the network resiliency is provided through the use of multiple fibre links within the Data Centre.
Pipe Ten’s Network & Infrastructure is covered by external 24/7 monitoring systems. These track usage, packet loss, latency and overall availability.
Network Violations
Bandwidth Utilisation
All customers are allocated a set bandwidth allocation for use with their services as agreed on the associated Order Form. Moderate over-usage is permitted and will be charged at the agreed rate. Customers must not use an excessive amount of bandwidth. The total number of bytes transferred from a Customer’s account determines bandwidth utilisation. If Pipe Ten determines that excessive bandwidth utilisation is adversely affecting Pipe Ten’s ability to provide service, Pipe Ten may take immediate action. Pipe Ten will attempt to notify the account owner by e-mail as soon as possible.
Network Disruption
Excessive use or abuse of the network resources by one customer may have a negative impact on all other customers. Any activities, which adversely affect the ability of other people or systems to use Pipe Ten services or the Internet, are prohibited. This includes “denial of service” (DoS) attacks against another network host or individual user. Interference with, or disruption of, use of the network by others, network services or network equipment is prohibited. It is the customer’s responsibility to ensure that the network on their solution is configured in a secure manner.
Network Activity
A customer may not permit their network, through action or inaction, to be configured in such a way that it gives a third party the capability to use their network in an illegal or inappropriate manner.
Last changed: 2025/01/07 by Carl Heaton

Classification: Public
Last saved: 2025/01/07 at 11:20 by Carl