When enabling classic mode under any .NET version (whether you are using .NET or not) if you enable classic mode your application runs in a worker application pool that is in a 32 bit environment. To fix this we need to disable 32 bit support.
How to fix the issue
Within your hosting control panel, click on the domain you are using, Web services, then the edit button next to ASPNET. You will then need to untick “enable 32-bit applications support” and submit. Please allow upto 15 minutes for this to apply.
You can then use the following code to check that your connection is working:
<%@ LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" %> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Connecting to a MySQL database with a DSN in ASP</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <% 'Easy CGI Test script for connecting to a MySQL database in ASP with a DSN 'This script will connect to the database and output the results in an HTML table 'Some Variables Dim objConn, rsRecord, strSQL, tableName, dsnName, dsnUser, dsnPass, database Set objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") 'Change these to point to your database dsnName = "testdsn" 'The name of the DSN dsnUser = "testuser" 'The username for the DSN dsnPass = "testPass" 'The password for the DSN database = "testdatabase" 'The database to use tableName = "testtable" 'The table in the database to display 'Connect to database with DSN objConn.Open "DSN="&dsnName&";UID="&dsnUser&";PWD="&dnsPass&";DATABASE="&database 'Check error Err.clear if (Err <> 0) then Response.Write "Error connecting to DSN: " & dsnName else Response.Write "Connected to DSN: " & dsnName end if 'Create a recordset for a query strSQL = "SELECT * FROM " & tableName Set rsRecord = objConn.Execute(strSQL) 'write out a table in html to display the table Response.Write "<TABLE BORDER=1>" 'Write out Field Names Response.Write "<TR>" For i=0 to rsRecord.fields.count-1 Response.Write "<TH>"+rsRecord(i).Name+"</TH>" Next Response.Write "</TR>" 'Write out Data Do while not rsRecord.eof Response.Write "<TR>" For i=0 to rsRecord.fields.count-1 Response.Write "<TD>" Response.Write rsRecord(i) Response.Write "</TD>" Next Response.Write "</TR>" rsRecord.movenext Loop Response.Write "</TABLE>" 'Reset server objects rsRecord.Close objConn.Close Set rsRecord = Nothing Set objConn = Nothing %> </body> </html> </SPAN>
More information on how to create a ODBC DNS connection.

Classification: Public
Last saved: 2021/11/11 at 14:23 by Jamie