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  4. Enabling dedicated application pools
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Enabling dedicated application pools

  • Extension will be used for pool name. For instance, if your account name is user, extension is test, the newly-created application pool will be named usertestAppPool.
  • Maximum number of worker processes can be restricted by administrator.
  • ASP.NET version specifies ASP.NET version for assigned web applications.
  • Pipeline mode allows to select between INTEGRATED (if you want to use the integrated IIS and ASP.NET request-processing pipeline) and CLASSIC (if you want to use IIS and ASP.NET request-processing modes separately) modes. INTEGRATED mode is available only if some version of ASP.NET is selected, because it has no sense without ASP.NET.
  • 32-bit applications support allows execution of 32-bit applications on 64-bit hosts. 32-bit applications support cannot be disabled if ASP.NET version 1.1 is selected, because 64-bit ASP.NET runtime is not available prior to 2.0 version.

Setting up and assigning a dedicated application pool to a domain

    1. Click Account > Account Settings.

    1. Within the Dedicated Application Pool section click the Add icon.

    1. Enter your new dedicated application pool name, select the appropriate .NET version and Pipeline mode. Most applications will require you to untick Enable 32-bit application support. Click submit.

    1. Now we need to add the application pool to our domain. Navigate to Domain Settings > Domain Info.

    1. Select the domain you wish to apply the dedicated application pool too.

    1. Within the Web Services section, click the edit icon.

    1. Ensure that ASPNET is enabled and click the Edit icon.

    1. Select your new application pool from the drop down and click Submit.

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Classification: Public
Last saved: 2021/11/11 at 14:21 by Jamie

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