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Windows 10 Mail App

If you are using email, you should be using SSL

The secure ports for all email clients can be found below and should be used in combination with SSL:

Outgoing Mail Server (SMTPs): Port 465
Incoming Mail Server (POPs): Port 995
Incoming Mail Server (IMAPs): Port 993
Incoming/Outgoing Mail Servers: mail.pipeten.co.uk

Steps to Take:

    1. First thing you’ll need to do is open up the Mail App. This can be located on the start menu.
      You will be greeted with a welcome screen, with an option to Get Started. Click on Get Started and then select Add Account.


    1. You’ll have the options listed below:

    1. Select Advanced Setup.

    1. Select Internet Email.

    1. Fill out the information as above, changing your name to be your name!


    1. Scroll down and fill out the further information.

    1. Scroll down and ensure tick boxes are correct.

    1. Now click sign in and your mail client will be configured and ready to send and receive email.


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Classification: Public
Last saved: 2021/11/11 at 14:16 by Jamie

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