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Android Device – Gmail App

    1. On the new account wizard, first enter your email address, then select Manual Setup

    1. On the next page, please select whether you want to use POP or IMAP. In this tutorial I will be connecting via IMAP.

    1. Now enter your mailbox password.

    1. For incoming settings: In username enter your email address. In password enter your mailbox password. In Server enter mail.pipeten.co.uk

    1. After pressing next on the previous step you will be given some extra options. Make sure you are using a secure port, for IMAP port 143 supports secured as well as standard. Also make sure security type is STARTTLS

    1. For outgoing settings: In username enter your email address. In password enter your mailbox password. In Server enter mail.pipeten.co.uk

    1. On this screen you can customize some settings about your mailbox. This is personal preference. Once you are happy, click next.

    1. Now fill out your account name and your name. Your mailbox is now setup in the Gmail app on Android.

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Classification: Public
Last saved: 2021/11/11 at 14:19 by Jamie

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