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Pipe Ten Tools

We have a few tools built into our shared service that are accessible outside of the control panel. These include database administration tools as well as webmail. Please see the tools below.

Database tools


PhpMyAdmin – This is a database administration tool for MySQL databases.


MyLittleBackup – This is a tool to backup and restore MSSQL databases.

MyLittleAdmin – This is a tool to administrate MSSQL databases.

File Management

Web basted FTP file management




Roundcube – This is a webmail client which can be used to log into any email account hosted on our shared mail service.


Purely.tools – This tool helps to analyse the DNS configuration of a domain.


LVE Graphs – The LVE graphs show resource usage on your account.

Click here for full details

Classification: Public
Last saved: 2022/08/30 at 14:47 by Jamie

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