Pipe Ten’s Service Notices inform customers about any maintenance or issues that may occur with the services that Pipe Ten offers (excluding purely.website which has its own service notice system).
If you’re having any issues accessing our services, it is recommended that you check the service notices before raising a ticket to the support team.
Standard Service Notices (whm.pipe.co)
If you have a whm.pipe.co account, you can also view the Service Notices under the Support tab after logging in.
Once you’ve accessed this, you should see a page similar to below where you can navigate through service notices using the menu on the left.
DR Service Notices (pipeten.info)
In circumstances that prevent us from raising service notices in whm.pipe.co such as major network incidents, the “Special Status Reports” section of https://pipeten.info/ will be updated.

Classification: Public
Last saved: 2024/07/10 at 11:48 by Carl