Quite a few customers have been asking what our EV SGC SSL certificates do, and why they are “so expensive”. Hopefully we’ll explain in relatively simple terms below why these certificates are worth every penny.
What does EV SGC mean?
EV – Extended Validation
Unlike standard SSL certificates, an extended verification procedure takes place to ensure that EV certificates are only issued where (amongst other things), the telephone number and address of the business is publicly known, listed and verifiable. All EV capable signing authorities are legally and warranty bound to uphold this new SSL certificate standard.
SGC – Server Gated Cryptography
SGC technology upgrades older browsers so they can connect at full 128 or 256-bit encryption levels, allowing improved customer trust and security over standard SSL certificates.
What are the benefits?
- Maximize your sales by gaining trust
- Stringent verification processes ensures that your website is visually more secure and trusted over other shops with standard SSL certificates.
- Customers are educated that a green address bar means a securely issued certificate and a serious business/website.
- Protect the widest customer base possible with the best security possible
- Authority compatible with 99.9%* of all web browsers.
- SGC technology makes older web browsers more secure.
*We’re not really sure what the 0.1% of non-compatible web browsers are, but we’ve never come across a single one.

Classification: Public
Last saved: 2019/11/27 at 16:03 by Jamie