By default, Magento does not register messages about errors and exceptions; so if something bad happens, you don’t even know.
The first step to debugging any problem Magento is to enable and check the Magento logs and this quick guide shows you how to do that with your Magento hosting.
Steps to enable Magento error logs:
1. Login to your Magento administration.
2. Navigate to System > Configuration > Developer > Log Settings
3. Set Enable = ‘Yes’
Steps to view Magento error logs:
By default Magento will store its log files within var/log/ relative to your domain directory.
There are 2 log files located within /var/log:
- system.log
- exception.log
These 2 files can be viewed using FTP
1. Login to your FTP account. This can be done through your FTP Client.
2. Find the Magento installation located in your domain.
3. Navigate to the /var/log directory within your domain.
4. Download and view the Magento log files within a text editor of choice.

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Last saved: 2024/05/22 at 12:39 by Jamie