- Visit the PhpMyAdmin website and download a version equal to or higher than 4.8.4.
- Extract the .zip file to your local machine
- Rename config.sample.inc.php to config.inc.php
- Open config.inc.php in your favourite editor. Change the line,
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['host'] = 'localhost';
to include your MySQL host, E.G change localhost to mysql.pipeten.co.uk.
Note: If you have a private server with local MySQL your hostname will stay as localhost - While the config.inc.php file is still open, you will also need to add what is called a “blowfish Secret” this is used for cookie Authentication. You should create a random string, which may contact numbers, letters and special characters and should be at least 32 characters in length. See the example below.
$cfg['blowfish_secret'] = 'aRandomStringofCharacters!ThatisAtLeast32Characters';
- Upload the contents of the folder to your web space.
- Set the PHP version to PHP 5.6 or above.
- Visit the URL within your web browser and login using the database user and associated password.
- That’s it, you now have your own PhpMyAdmin instance installed.
Please follow the attached link for a step-by-step run through of how to add a New Database and Users via phpMyAdmin.

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Last saved: 2019/08/15 at 14:21 by Jamie