Over 20 years in the domain name industry

14 May 2024 - by Gavin

A crucial part of application infrastructure management is the Domain Name System (DNS). Offering reliable domain name registration and management services has been a cornerstone of Pipe Ten’s growth over the past 20 years. ISO 27001 cheap domain name registration with DNS As a Nominet accredited channel partner, we’ve managed domain name registrations for our customers since 2002 and are ISO/IEC 27001 certified for Information Security Management. Our purely.website domain registration platform currently boasts over 500 TLDs available for registration.

We noticed that registrants were growing weary of the low introductory offers from major industry players, only to be hit with high renewal fees later. We’ve broken the mould with the provision of a transparent low pricing structure of identical domain registration and renewal fees.

One challenge we’ve encountered is educating less technical domain owners that they don’t have to endure these practices of exorbitantly high renewal fees. There is a relatively simple process available to transfer and move their domain name registrations between registrars without downtime. cheap domain name registration with DNS Every domain name managed through Pipe Ten’s registration platform comes with full DNS management, giving customers complete control over their domains and the flexibility to use any third-party services they choose. Additionally, we offer a unique SSL URL forwarding service for free with every domain name, enabling secure redirection to other URLs.

We have now also expanded the complimentary services available to use with our registration platform in with our hugely popular purely.website web hosting and email services. Starting at just £1 per month, these services maintain the same clear pricing structure with identical renewal fees. domain names with web hosting and email services

GavinAuthor: Gavin Kimpton
A founder of Pipe Ten, Gavin has been professionally embedded in the digital sector spanning 3 decades since the original dot com boom of the late nineties. He has extensive experience in the design of many major international website launches and is a seasoned expert in the world website application hosting and domain registration management. Over the past twenty plus years at Pipe Ten Gavin has navigated the ever-evolving landscape of internet governance, witnessing the birth of new top-level domains (TLDs) and the proliferation of security and compliance within the industry. Gavin spearheaded Pipe Ten to be a Nominet accredited channel partner with a profound understanding of the symbiotic relationship between domain names and the broader digital ecosystem.
